
All content provided in this course is for general informational and educational purposes only. The material is not intended as investment, legal, tax or other professional services advice. We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness or accuracy of information provided.

This course is intended to provide helpful and informative guidance. However, individual business outcomes and results may vary significantly. There is no guarantee that by taking this course you will achieve any specific business or financial results. You accept full responsibility for your actions and use of any content provided.

The contents of this course do not constitute business, legal or tax advice. You should consult a qualified expert prior to making any business, legal or tax decisions. Any liability arising in relation to any such decisions rests solely with you.

Participating in this course does not form any type of professional relationship or coaching agreement between parties. We are not responsible for any losses, costs, liabilities or expenses related to your future use of course concepts.

All course pricing, offers and claims made on this website are subject to change at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to update, amend or withdraw any course content, promotions, discounts or policies on this site at any time as deemed necessary.

Any earnings or income statements or examples shown through this course are only estimates of what is possible. There can be no assurance you will realize any particular financial results or success. Your level of success will be dictated by many factors including your dedication, effort, resources and application of course concepts. We make no guarantees regarding your ability to leverage course content for any results, monetary or otherwise.